Dantong Ouyang is a PhD supervisor. She is a member of the Subject Appraisement Group of the Degree- Assignment Committee of the National State Department and the member of Theoretical Computer Science Com- mittee of China Computer Federation (CCF), the vice dean of the CCF Ar- tificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition Committee. Her research interests are in the areas of logic in the semantic web and automated reasoning. Xianji Cui is currently a PhD student in the College of Computer Science and Technology in Jilin University, China, where she received her BE in Computer Software and Theory in 20ll. Her research interests are in the areas of ontology engineering and semantic web technologies. Yuxin Ye is currently a lecturer with the College of Computer Science and Technology in Jilin University, China. He received his PhD in Computer Software and Theory in 2010. His research interests are in the area of reasoning in the semantic web.E-mail: yeyx@jlu.edu.cn