It is an effective method of the mankind seeking after the celestial law that the inherent and unknown interrelationships between characteristics of celestial spectrum data and its physical and chemical properties are mined from the mass celestial body spectrum data.In the present paper,the interrelation analysis system of celestial body spectrum data based on constraint FP tree is designed and implemented by using the association rule based constraint FP tree as the way of analyzing celestial spectrum data,and adopting VC++ and Oracle9i as the development tools.At the same time,its software architecture and function modules are outlined.Its key techniques such as preprocessing of celestial body spectrum data,background knowledge representing,constraint FP-tree constructing,constraint frequent patterns and association rules mining etc are discussed in details.The running results show that the system is feasible and valuable for adopting association rule to describe the above interrelationships.Therefore,the interrelation analysis system of celestial body spectrum data provides an effective means for seeking after the inherent and unknown celestial law.