The codling moth is a quarantine pest of fruits,and occurs in seven provinces,such as Xinjiang,Gansu,Ningxia,Inner Mongolia,Heilongjiang,Liaoning,and Jilin. Reducing codling moth invasion is an important measure for the protection of fruit production in Shaanxi Province and the entire country. This can be done by the analysis of the Shaanxi codling moth invasion risk and pest intercepted data from the inspection office. The presence of larvae in raw fruits to be used for fruit juice processing in regions,such as Xinjiang,Gansu,and Ningxia increases the risk for long-distance dispersal into Shaanxi. The most effective measures to prevent long-distance invasion is to strengthen supervision of juice processing enterprises and forbid the fruit carrying the codling moth to enter non-infested areas. Research on prevention,monitoring,and control strategies is needed.