The geometries of tri phenylcorrole (TPC) and a series of pentafluorophenyl substituted cor- roles were optimized using B3LYP method at 6 31G(d,p) basis set level. First hyperpolarizabilities of these corroles were calculated using the ZINDO/SOS method. Calculation results showed that the first hyperpolarizability of tri-phenylcorrole (TPC) was of moderate value (2.46× 10^-50 C3· m3· J-2) due to its nonsymmetrical geometry structure. The first hyperpolarizabilities of pentafluorophenyl substi tuled corrole increased significantly and varied to the position of substituents. 5-phenyl-10,15- di(pen tafluorophenyl)corrole showed the largest first hyperpolarizabilities (3.71 × 10^-49C3·m3·J-2). The enhancement of first hyperpolarizabilities of pentafluorophenyl substituted corrole originated from the dramatically increasing of their three-level components which are of the same sign and size with the two level contributions. Our calculations implied that, the stronger two level contributions were due to the transition dipole moments between the ground and the third excited states (B1). Transition channel analysis showed that the increasing of three-level components was caused by changing the piv oral transition channel of exited states, which are sensitive to the structure, from coupling between B and Q bands in TPC to the coupling between two different exited states of B band in pentafluorophenyl substituted corrole.