Chlorophyll-or (Chl-α) is a main parameter to determine the trophic state, which is one of the major factors affecting water environment and produces visible changes in the surface of waters. The fluorescence peak features of the reflectance spectrum of water in lake Chagan, Jilin province, and the relevant water quality constituents were studied from May to October in 2004. The peak height and peak position shift of the spectral reflectance were analyzed in detail. The resuits are as follows: 1. A shift of the peak position from about 690nm up to 710nm and an increase of the peak magnitude are observed when chlorophyll-et concentration increased. 2. The peak height has a steady correlation with Chl-α. 3. The peak position shift suits to inverse Chl-et with a higher concentration and a large scale water, but it does not suit to lake Chagan. 4. The peak height can be used in estimating Chl-α in lake Chagan. These results contribute significantly to increase the accuracy of the derivation of chlorophyll values from remote sensing data in lake Chagan.