In order to solve some problems of soil spatial variability,the relation between the fractal dimension and soil spatial variability is studied.Modeling wetting front depth of ten kinds of soil applying Green-ampt infiltration model,and the sizes of them are followed by loamy sand,sandy loam,sandy clay loam,loam,silt loam,sandy clay loam,clay loam,silty clay loam and silty clay.The wetting front fractal dimension of 100 kinds of soil composition are calculated.Soil spitial variability is described by using these fractal dimensions.At the same time,soil region attribute values can be obtained by the inverse distance power method and the adjacent two-parameter average method.By analyzing the statistical relation of soil spatial variation(soil saturated hydraulic conductivity to that) and the relation between it and fractal dimension,the relation between the fractal dimension of wetting front and Ks is a significant sub-zone,and this sub-zone relation will be more obvious in the real watershed.Overall,the fractal dimension is greater when soil spatial variability is high.Therefore,we can see that,application of multifractality to soil spatial variability is feasible and can achieve good results.