Based on the antagonistic logic between laobor-working class and work-bourgeois, Negri considers labor as pure subjective creative power and realistic resource of achieving freedom and recon- structs Marx's theory of labor as the theory of radical subject taking origin, constitutivity and absolute revo- lution as core. He emphasizes the subjectivization of constituent power and socialization of politics and re- fuses any connection between Marx and Hegel. The distinguishment of labor-work of Arendt's understanding is different from Negri. She discribes labor as activities satisfying the need of human life and pre-political activities acquiescing violence. She thinks Marx considers liberation of labor as freedom and confirms au- tonomy of politics separating from society and anti-antagonistic nature of constituent princinple. Both Lukacs and Negri commit themselves to ontological turn of Marxism, but the former constructs labor as his- torical and social ontology on the basis of historicity, human subjectivity and anti-teleology from social and historical paradigm of practice. He restores Hegel's elements in Marxism and separates the domain of labor- production from political revolution. They cover or weaken the scientific meaning of Marx's theoy of labor from specific theoretical position.