Abstract: The sluice concrete during construction period is easy to crack. To this problem, this paper introduced the crack mechanism of concrete structure, considered the structure' s temperature difference and restraint were the main cause of cracks. The prevent method of cracks included the optimization of concrete mixture ratio, construction technology improvement and so on. This paper used three-dimensional finite element method to analyze the cause of crack and put forward the measures of temperature control and crack prevention. Strong constraint coming from the floor and larger temperature shrinkage was the direct reason to cause the cracks, while the concrete gate groove structure section size was half of the gate slot and stress doubled, exceeding the tensile strength of concrete. This paper considered that reducing the maximum temperature and temperature de- formation of concrete is the key to prevent late cracks. Excessive heat preservation is beneficial to reduce the temperature difference and the early crack, but will increase the maximum temperature increase, later temperature drop and foundation temneralure difference.