目的:为了得到头颅和乳腺电阻抗成像的三维图像,更好地诊断脑部及乳腺肿瘤病变位置,改变以往的图像二维显示方式,对半球模型电阻抗二维重构图像结果进行三维重建。方法:对浸泡在半球形水槽中电导率为2.1 S/m的半锥形异物模型重构得到二维图像,根据电阻抗图像数据特点,对图像数据作预处理以便插值使用。使用匹配点插值算法对二维电阻抗图像进行插值,形成三维重建模型。结果:插值结果可以体现层数据间的过渡,三维重建结果体现了原模型的位置信息。结论:该算法能够实现电阻抗的三维成像,并能确定异物模型的位置,便于肿瘤疾病的诊断,满足电阻抗成像的实时监护要求。
Objective To perform 3D reconstruction of hemisphere model electrical impedance tomography for the diagnosis of brain lesion and breast neoplasm. Methods Original experimental model was a 2.1 S/m cylinder agar model immersed in hemispheric tank. Then interpolation algorithm with corresponding points matching was used for these two-dimensional images according to the characteristics of electrical impedance tomography. Results This three-dimensional object could reflect the location feature of the original 3DI model. Conclusion The results show that 3D object can be reconstructed and the position of cylinder agar model in the hemispheric model can be localized, which can satisfy the requirements of the real-time EIT monitoring.