利用石家庄地区5个观测站1981~2010年逐日浅层地温观测数据,分析讨论了该地区浅层地温的变化特征及其变化周期。结果表明:从波动变化情况看,年和各季节平均浅层地温波动变率随土层深度加深依次减小,春季波动变率最大,冬季最小;年和各季节平均浅层地温波动幅度随土层深度加深依次减小,减小程度随土层深度加深依次减弱,夏季波动幅度最大,冬季最小;从垂直变化情况看,年平均浅层地温随土层深度加深依次升高,春、夏季随土层深度加深依次降低,秋、冬季随土层深度加深依次升高;从变化趋势情况看,年平均浅层地温均呈现增温趋势,其中,冬季增温最为明显,增温幅度随土层深度加深依次减小,减小程度随土层深度加深依次减弱;平均浅层地温存在9~10 a的低频振荡周期和4~6 a的高频振荡周期,其中,平均5 cm地温低频振荡周期振幅最大,平均10 cm地温高频振荡周期振幅最小。
Based on the daily ground temperature observation data of 5 stations in Shijiazhuang from 1981 to 2010,the characteristics and period of mean shallow layer ground temperature were analyzed.The results show that the fluctuant variability of mean shallow layer ground temperature decreased with soil layer depth increase for all years and seasons,and the fluctuant variability was maximum in spring and minimum in winter.The fluctuant range of mean shallow layer ground temperature decreased with soil layer depth increase for all years and seasons,and the fluctuant range was maximum in summer and minimum in winter.The annual mean shallow layer ground temperature increased with soil layer depth increase,and in spring and summer,mean shallow layer ground temperature decreased with soil layer depth increase,but it increased in autumn and winter.Annual mean shallow layer ground temperature presented increasing trend with an obvious warming trend in winter.There were nine to ten years period and four to six years period for mean shallow layer ground temperature.