采用1960~2012年508个地面观测站逐日降水量资料,分析了中国大陆近53 a四季持续干旱日数变化趋势。结果表明:近53 a来我国大陆春季和冬季持续干旱日数呈明显下降趋势,其中冬季气候倾向率为-0.7 d/10 a,夏季变化趋势比较平稳,秋季呈明显上升趋势。空间变化上持续干旱日数气候倾向率春季在-0.41~0.41 d/10 a之间,大部分地区呈减少趋势;夏季持续干旱日数气候倾向率508个测站中有59%的测站为减少趋势,41%为增加趋势;秋季大部分地区气候倾向率呈增加趋势,统计有302个测站呈上升趋势,占中国大陆总测站数的69%;冬季持续干旱日数气候倾向率在-0.62~0.44 d/10 a之间,统计508个测站中有66%的测站为减少趋势,34%为增加趋势。
Based on the daily precipitation data from 508 meteorological stations in mainland China from 1960 to 2012,the seasonal variation of consecutive dry days( CDD) was analyzed. The results indicated that regional mean of CDD in winter and spring decreased in the last 53 years,and the decreasing rate in winter was up to-0. 7 d /10 a. The variation trend of CDD was not obvious in summer,but the regional mean of CDD in autumn showed an increasing trend. During 1960-2012,for most parts of mainland China,CDD in spring decreased significantly and the tendencies ranged between-0. 41 d /10 a and 0. 41 d /10 a. In summer,CDD showed decreasing trend in 59% stations and increasing trend in 41% stations. In autumn,69% and 31% meteorological stations presented increasing and decreasing trend,respectively. In winter,most parts of mainland China experienced a significant decrease of CDD,and the tendencies ranged from-0. 62 d /10 a to 0. 44 d /10 a,thereinto,66% stations showed decreasing trend,and 34% stations showed increasing trend.