对现有AODV的协议进行改进,使其满足一定的延时约束,并对延时进行预测,建立延时参考模型,给出了正确性验证及复杂性分析,并在NS2平台下对该改进后的协议进行了仿真实验和分析.仿真结果表明,改进的AODV路由协议有效地增加了Ad Hoc网络的吞吐率,降低了延时,从而有效地提高了网络性能,并对下一步改进工作也作简单介绍.
In modern lives, Ad Hoc network has much restriction on the delay, this paper has improved AODV protocol to satisfy the need of the delay, and make a model to interpret the mechanism to solve the routing. At last, simulation is done on the NS2 for the improved protocol. According to the resuit, the improved protocol is succeeded in improving the throughput and reducing the delay of the Ad Hoc network.