Three AP3 homologous sequences,BnAP3- 2, BnAP3- 3 and BnAP3- 4, were reverse inserted into plasmid pFGC5941, constituted the anti-expression vectors pFGC5941-BnAP3-2, pFGC5941- BnAP3-3 and pFGC5941-BnAP3-4. The vectors were introduced into the grobacteriun strain EHA105 by means of rapid frozen thaw method and transferred into hypocotyls of Brassica napus. Thirty one re- sistant plants with antisense BnAP3-2 gene, twenty resistant plants with antisense BnAP3-3 gene and forty two resistant plants with antisense BnAP3-4 gene were obtained from the MS medium with 5 mg/L PPT. Twelve transgenic plants with antisense BnAP3-2 gene, seven transgenic plants with antisense BnAP3-3 gene and sixteen transgenic plants with antisense BnAP3-4 gene were identified by PCR. Semi-quantitative PCR analysis confirmed that antisense fragment of the there foreign AP3 homologous genes had been expressed in the B. napus plants.