By employing the data of proportion of net buying capital flows as the proxies of sentiment, the present studyfocuses on the asymmetric effects of positive and negative sentiment on the abnormal returns. We selected 2658 stockswithin a total of 194 trading weeks from January 2012 to October 2015 as the research objects to conduct a panel datamodel with individual fixed effects. The results show that in the next week and the week after next, the individualsentiment has negative effect on the abnormal returns, and that in the four weeks institutional sentiment has positiveeffect on the abnormal returns. Moreover, investor sentiment has asymmetric effects on the abnormal returns in thefollowing weeks. That is to say, the effect of individual positive sentiment is significantly different from the negativesentiment in the first and third week after, and the effect of institutional negative sentiment is significantly differentfrom the positive sentiment in the third week after. We can get a more effective model by estimating the two types ofsentiments separately. The empirical results have important value for understanding the impact of positive and negativeemotions on the abnormal return of stock.