A m ethod of qualitative and quantitative analysis on fluid catalytic cracking(FCC)full rangegasoline by com prehensive tw o-dim ensional gas chrom atography coupled with tim e-of-flight m ass spectrom etry(G C xG C-T O F M S)was established.The results showed that paraffins,olefins,naphthenes and arom atics inFCC gasoline had regional and zonal distribution in two-dim ensional contour plots.The distinctions of boilingpoints and polarity betw een different com pounds were used to achieve the accurate separation anddeterm ination in G CxG C-TO F MS analysis,and consequently the co-current flow which was often present inthe conventional GC analysis was greatly suppressed.The difference of ionizing efficiency betw een differentcom pounds was modified by response factors,and m oreover,a good quantitative dependency was foundbetw een the analysis results of GC and GC xG C-T O F MS on FCC gasoline.Due to the high separationresolution,G CxG C-TO F MS gave more accurate results about the group com positions of FCC gasoline.G C xGC-TOF MS provided an effective way with high precision for the characterization of FCC gasoline.