以石蜡基属催化裂化油浆——长庆油浆为研究对象,采用高真空釜式蒸馏按沸点将其切割成7个窄馏分,采用常规分析方法结合正离子甲酸铵电喷雾-傅里叶变换离子回旋质谱(ESI FT-ICR MS)、核磁共振氢谱(^1 H-NMR)和红外光谱(FT-IR),得到长庆油浆窄馏分性质及结构随沸点变化的规律。结果表明,随馏分沸点升高,长庆油浆窄馏分的密度和折光率先增大后减小,氢/碳原子比先减小后增大,出现了与原油不一样的变化趋势,而其残炭、平均相对分子质量和运动黏度则逐渐增大。此外,以500℃为分界点,饱和分含量先减小后增大,芳香分先增大后减小。油浆窄馏分中含有相当数量的烷烃结构,芳碳率fA随馏分沸点升高先增大后减小,烷基碳率fP的变化趋势则相反。长庆油浆各窄馏分中主要含3-5环芳烃,低于500℃馏分,随馏分沸点上升,芳环数不断增加,缩合程度提高;500℃以上馏分的芳环保持在5个左右,出现环烷环数的增加和侧链的变长。
Changqing FCC slurry of paraffin base was separated into 7 narrow fractions by high vacuum distillation apparatus. The properties and composition of narrow fractions were analyzed by classical analysis methods combined positive-ion ESI with HCOONH4 as an ionization promoter FT-ICR MS, ^1H-NMR and FT-IR . The results showed that as the boiling point range of narrow faction raised, the density and refractive index f irs t increased and then decreased, which showed a different trend compared with crude oil, meanwhile the carbon residue increased, as well as molecular mass and viscosity. Besides, the content of saturates decreased first, reaching its minimum value at 500°C and then increased with the boiling point range of narrow fraction increasing, while the content of aromatics showed an opposite trend. The narrow fractions of Changqing FCC slurry contained decant amounts of alkanes. When the fraction became heavier, the aromatic carbon ratio f irs t raised and then decreased, while the alkyl carbon ratio has an opposite trend. The condensed aromatics with 3 to 5 rings made up a large portion of aromatics in narrow fractions. When it is lower than 500°C , the heavier the narrow fractions, the more aromatics rings and the higher degree of condensation. When it is higher than 500°C , the number of aromatic rings no longer increased, keeping relatively stable at 5, while the number of naphthenic rings raised and the side chain's length became longer.