陕西师范大学自2009级开始,为非计算机理工类大一本科生开设.Net编程语言Visual Basic 2005,用以取代普通高等院校普遍开设的结构化编程语言C语言。其课程设置目标是培养理工类非计算机专业学生的编程思维和编程能力。围绕着这个教学目标,本文给出在讲授“Visual Basic 2005程序设计”时,对编程零起点学生建立编程思维所进行的各种教学尝试,结合自己的教学经验,给出了自己的教学实践.希望能对更好地开展这门课程教学和培养学生的编程思维提供帮助。
Since the start of 2009 year students, dot net programming language course: Visual Basic 2005 programming designing is set up for polytechnic non-computer students in Shaanxi normal university to replace classical structure programming language course: C language designing. This new course target is training polytechnic non-computer students" programming thoughts and abilities. Around this educa- tion target, this paper gave all kinds of author's teaching practices in the programming thoughts training of zero-beginning students. Com- bined with author's own teaching experience, author's own teaching practices were given and this paper expected to give much help in teaching this course and cultivating students" programming thoughts better.