合理的夜间通风是利用自然冷源降低建筑能耗的有效手段,同时能够提高室内热舒适。目前已有研究多是基于具体案例的模拟分析,缺乏对最优节能通风换气普适性方法的研究。本文基于非线性优化反问题思路,以最小化模拟周期内制冷设备及风机电耗总量最小作为优化目标,提出一种主动式建筑理想节能机械通风策略的确定方法。结果表明,优化后,北京夏季典型日和极端日总能耗分别减小22%及33%,典型日峰值冷负荷减少20.9%,制冷设备开启时间减少约9 h。
Proper mechanical ventilation strategy in summer night is an effective way to decrease building cooling energy consumption, which can improve indoor thermal comfort. However, most of the existing studies are related to specific cases, which can't offer general conclusions. A novel method based on the inverse problem is proposed in this paper, which can derive the optimal mechanical ventilation strategy in active buildings by minimizing the total energy consumption of refrigeration and fans for a given period of time. The results showed that the energy saving ratio of the studied building in typical and extreme days in Beijing summer can be decreased by 22% and 33%, respectively. In the typical day, the peak cooling load can be decreased by 20.9%, and the operation time of the cooling device can be decreased by 9 hours.