研究了影响玉米秸秆常压快速液化的4个关键性工艺参数:液化时间、液化温度、玉米秸秆质量和催化剂质量之间的交互作用。借助于SAS软件,采用二次回归正交旋转组合设计及响应面法开展系统试验。建立了回归方程,定量描述了各参数对玉米秸秆液化效率的影响及不同参数之间存在的交互作用,并推算出当液化剂质量为100 g、液化温度为158℃、液化时间为63 min、玉米秸秆质量17 g和催化剂质量为2.7 g时,玉米秸秆常压快速液化的残渣率可以达到最小值0.2%,实现玉米秸秆基本完全液化。
The four key parameters, including reaction time, reaction temperature, the amount of corn stover charged to definite liquefying reagent, and the dosage of catalyst affect the efficiency of corn stover liquefaction were investigated. With the help of SAS software, rotational quadratic regression design and response surface analysis, the relationships among unliquefied corn stover residue and reaction time, reaction temperature, the amount of corn stover charged to definite'liquefying reagent, and the dosage of catalyst were studied. The mutual interaction of the four parameters was quantificationally described. The experimental results showed that with liquefying reagent of I00 g, the reaction temperature of 158℃, the reaction time of 63 min, the amount of corn stover meal charged of 17 g and the catalyst dosage of 2.7 g, the liquefied products could be optimized with only 0.2% unliquefied.