医疗费用逐年增长.由于医疗服务供方在医疗信息上的优势及医疗产业化的背景,使得医疗供方诱导需求现象成为医疗费用增长不可忽视的因素,大部分的研究都无法对诱导需求现象进行定量研究。参考Carlsen and Grytten提出的方法.结合我国的实际情况,通过对医疗资源分布与医疗资源利用量间的相关性进行相关分析与回归分析.从而判断医疗供方的增长对医疗费用增长的影响程度,为政策制定者控制供方诱导需求提供了定量的判断依据。
There exists prevailing information asymmetry in the health care market, physician-induced demand become an intractable problem in controlling rapid increasing medical cost. The paper do an empirical studies which shown that there is a positive association between physician density and utilization of medical services in China. However, this relationship maybe reflects the availability effect or the physician-induced demand. Therefore, this paper constructs the models which distinguished between an inducement and an availability effect.