在静水水温和水体悬浮颗粒物浓度保持相对恒定的条件下,研究了不同体重(以软组织干重计算)的河蚌(Anodonta woodiana)在3个氨氮水平下的耗氧率。结果显示:在固定的氨氮水平下,单位体重耗氧率(Or)随体重(w)增加而下降,耗氧率和体重间呈负相幂函数关系;在实验体重和氨氮浓度(n)范围内,氨氮浓度对河蚌耗氧均具有主效应,氨氮浓度和体重、耗氧率的自然对数y(以lnOr表示)可以表述为y=3.5968±0.24+0.0119±0.00n-1.0237±0.15lnw。结果表明,在试验范围内,氨氮浓度对河蚌耗氧产生增益效应,即随氨氮浓度升高,耗氧率增加,而随体重的增加,耗氧率下降。本试验中,氨氮未对河蚌产生抑制效应。
The oxygen consumption rate of a species of freshwater mussel Anodonta woodiana with different body weights calculated by dry weight of soft tissues was studied in a static water system.During the experiment,the water temperature and the concentration of suspended particulate matters were kept relative constant and there were three levels of ambient ammonia concentration.At one ammonia level,the oxygen consumption rate Or simulated by one negative-phase power function decreased as the body weight increased.There were main effects of ambient ammonia concentration and the body weight,but there was no interaction of them on the oxygen consumption rate.Under the tested conditions,lnOr increased with the increased ambient ammonia concentration and decreased as the body weight increased.The oxygen consumption rate could be simulated by a function,lnOr=y=3.5968±0.24+0.0119±0.00n-1.0237±0.15lnw.This study suggested that the ambient ammonia concentration ehance the oxygen consumption rate which meant the oxygen consumption rate increased with the increased ambient ammonia concentration in the tested body weight and ammonia concentration ranges.Nevertheless,the oxygen consumption rate decreased as the body weight increased.Moreover,the ambient ammonia did not restrain the behavior of this species of freshwater mussel under such experimental conditions.