An ADP-ribosylation factor gene, named Jc-arf, was cloned from Jatropha curcas. The cloned eDNA included a 546 bp complete open reading frame, which encoded a 181 amino acids peptid. This putative peptid contained three motifs: GLDAAGKT, DVGGQ and NKQDL, which involved in the feature of GTP-binding proteins. The alignment results showed Jc-ARF was high identity with many ARFs in other plants, and it was similar to ClassI of human ARFs. The semi-quantitative PCR results showed that Jc-arfexpression was the highest in flowers. Further, the expression of Jc-arf could be induced in roots, stems and leaves by PEG, in roots under cool stress. However, it seemed insensitive to the NaCl stress.