在开辟通信业务和应用接口的新途径方面,Parlay小组扮演着一个先驱者的角色。文中介绍了Parlay API规范,分析了OSA体系结构上的多媒体消息业务实现,设计了基于Parlay/OSA API接口规范的多媒体消息业务的顺序流程图,并在MiLife^TM ISG SDK平台上对设计的业务进行了仿真。
Parlay Group is a pioneer in developing communication services and application interfaces. The process of multi-media message service is analyzed according to the open service architecture based on Parlay API in this paper. And then the design and implementation of multi-media message service with MiLifeTM ISG SDK are described in detail.