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  • ISSN号:1001-7410
  • 期刊名称:《第四纪研究》
  • 时间:0
  • 分类:P736[天文地球—海洋地质;天文地球—海洋科学] P731.23[天文地球—海洋科学]
  • 作者机构:[1]广西大学珊瑚礁研究中心,南宁530004, [2]中国科学院南海海洋研究所、边缘海地质重点实验室,广州510301
  • 相关基金:国家重大科学基础研究规划项目(973项目)“南海珊瑚礁对不同时间尺度过去热带海洋环境的记录与响应规律”(批准号:2013CB956102)和国家自然科学基金项目(批准号:41025007和91428203)共同资助



Under the influence of global change, the sea-level rise has become a major global issue which is widely concerned by the international society. To study the modern sea level change, it is essential to understand the history of past sea level fluctuations. In addition to short-term device-measured sea-level records, the study of history of sea level change is mainly dependent on a variety of proxy indicators. Amongst sea-level changes proxy indicators on coral reefs, microatolls are the most precise, geologically steadfast, and easy to use. Mieroatolls are hermatypic corals that grow on coral reef fiats in ring-like or ribbon-like shapes. With the effect of sea level fluctuation, it usually dies on the top and lives around edges. As the highest level of survival is strictly constrained by the sea level, the microatoll is able to indicate sea level changes in centimeter degree. By using correlation between microatolls and sea level, domestic and foreign scientists have developed a series of researches on high- resolution sea level change, mainly in the following areas: 1) in stable tectonic areas, the ring-like growth band records the annual sea level fluctuations, conducive to rebuilding the history of sea level changes in the recent century, or rebuilding the muhi-decadal sea level changes in different Holocene periods; 2) in active tectonic areas, microatolls, as the high accurate indicator in sea level, can finely indicate the relative changes of sea level; hence, it can be applied in recording the surficial uplift or subsidence by earthquakes, and furthermore restoring the time and intensity of ancient earthquakes to better understand on the triggering mechanism of the earthquake; 3) in the equatorial Pacific area, the skeletons of microatolls can also record the influences of ENSO on sea level. By studying the high-resolution sea-level changes from Porites microatolls, it will be conducive to extending the time sequence of device-measured sea-level records, revealing the patterns of sea-level fluctua

期刊论文 69 著作 1
  • 《第四纪研究》
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • 主管单位:中国科学院
  • 主办单位:中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所 中国第四纪研究委员会
  • 主编:郭正堂
  • 地址:北京9825信箱
  • 邮编:100029
  • 邮箱:dsj@mail.igcas.ac.cn dsjs@mail.igcas.ac.cn
  • 电话:010-82998119
  • 国际标准刊号:ISSN:1001-7410
  • 国内统一刊号:ISSN:11-2708/P
  • 邮发代号:82-428
  • 获奖情况:
  • 1996年被国务院学位委员会地球物理及地质学科评议...,2001年入中国期刊方阵,2007年获中国科学院出版基金科技期刊排行榜三等奖
  • 国内外数据库收录:
  • 美国化学文摘(网络版),英国动物学记录,日本日本科学技术振兴机构数据库,中国中国科技核心期刊,中国北大核心期刊(2004版),中国北大核心期刊(2008版),中国北大核心期刊(2011版),中国北大核心期刊(2014版),中国北大核心期刊(2000版)
  • 被引量:17826