研究不同类型过渡层对铝基体与钒涂层结合强度的影响,为合理设计过渡层提供一种新的研究思路。采用高功率脉冲磁控溅射技术在铝合金表面制备了钒涂层,利用X射线衍射仪和扫描电镜分析了钒涂层与过渡层的微观结构,利用划痕法和压痕法测试了不同过渡层下的膜基界面结合强度。样品Al/Cu/Cu-Cr/Cr/Cr-V/V的XRD衍射图谱中主要包含V(111)和Cr(111)相,并且样品呈现出光滑致密平整的表面特征。样品Al/V的膜基结合力为12 N左右,而样品Al/Cu/Cu-Cr/Cr/Cr-V/V的膜基结合力为30 N以上。与样品Al/V相比,样品Al/Cu/Cu-Cr/Cr/Cr-V/V无论是从单个裂纹开裂的程度还是从单位面积内裂纹的数目进行评价都表现出较高的膜基界面结合强度。在铝合金基体与钒涂层之间引入热膨胀系数梯度变化的过渡层,有利于获得较好的膜基界面结合强度。
The V-coatings were synthesized by high power impulse magnetron sputtering on the substrate of Alalloy covered with transition layers of Cu and Cr. The influence of the type and phase-structure of the transition layers on the interfacial adhesion was investigated with X-ray diffraction,energy dispersive spectroscopy,scanning electron microscopy and mechanical probes. The results show that the Cu/Cr transition layers with an optimized thermal expansion coefficient gradient significantly increased the adhesion at the interface of the compact smooth V-coatings. To be specific,thetransition layers,Cu/(Cu-Cr)/Cr/(Cr-V),significantly increased the adhesion at the interface of the Al-alloy and V-coating from the original 12 up to 30 N,because of the inter-diffusion between the Cu/Cr and Cr/V layers. Preferential growth of V(111) and Cr(111) was observed. In addition,the transition layers considerably reduced the length and surface density of indentation micro-cracks.