Based on resource dependence theory and organizational learning theory ,the relationship between entrepreneurial support policies ,resource integration and hatching success of technological small and micro enterprise has been explored . The results show that financial support has a significant impact on technological resources integration ,and has no signifi‐cant impact on market resources integration .Government policy support support has a significant impact on market re‐sources integration ,and has no significant impact on technological resources integration .Entrepreneurial atmosphere has a significant impact on technological resources integration and market resources integration .Technological resources inte‐gration and market resources integration have significant impact on hatching success of technological small and micro enter‐prise .The conclusions make a scientific demonstration on whether the current entrepreneurial support policies is effective , and to provide a more reasonable explanation framework for why it can promote hatching success of technological small and micro enterprise .T he conclusions further enrich and develop the relevant theory about entrepreneurial support policies in‐fluence hatching success of technological small and micro enterprise .