Firms can collaborate on innovation activities with suppliers to access to external resources,technology and abthty. This research propose several hypotheses regarding the role of supplier integration capabilities in innovation types through the moderating factors, namely, the environmental dynamism. In reviewing the existing literature, The relationships proposed in the framework were tested using structural equation modeling and multiple linear regression. The results indicate that supplier integration capabilities have significant positive relationship with both incremental and radical innova- tion, and the latter influence is more greater. The various aspects of environmental dynamism, including technological dyna- mism, marker dynamism and supply base complexity, lead to different moderating effect. Technological dynamism negatively and significantly moderating the link between supplier integration capabilities and incremental innovation, while positively and significantly moderating the link between supplier integration capabilities and radical innovation. Market dynamism does the opposite moderating effect. Supply base complexity only positively and significantly moderating the link between supplier integration capabilities and radical innovation. Research findings have pivotal practice implications for manufacturing enterprises to effectively integrate suppliers to innovate.