非营利组织效能(NOE)研究源于20世纪60年代,尽管经历了半个多世纪的积累,但就效能的诠释和评价标准远未形成共识。研究中运用文献法和归纳分析法,概括了 NOE 的四大理论模型,即目标导向模型、开放系统模型、利害相关者满意模型和社会建构模型,梳理了我国NOE评估的主要模式,在参考现有研究成果基础上,提出了我国NOE的基本模型及其内容和考量。
The issue of nonprofit organizational effectiveness (NOE) has been one of the most sought out yet elusive of research subjects since the research about for-profit organizational effectiveness. While attention to the concept of nonprofit organizational effectiveness has gained increasing importance from both scholars and nonprofit leaders, there is little consensus about what it means and how to measure it. The literature indicates that scholars have emphasized four major approaches. In this article we synthesize the results of recent research and build a model for addressing nonprofit organizational effectiveness.