The bed sediment plays a significant role in environmental hydrodynamics. Most pollutants entering water system may be stored in sediment resulting in a sediment-containing contaminant layer. The release of pollutants due tosediment resuspension has been investigated. Experiments were conducted in order to characterize the relative roles of re-suspended particles and pore water under different hydrodynamic conditions. Conservative tracer (NaC1) and reactive tracer (Phosphorus) were respectively used as the contaminant in bed sediment in a laboratory flume. When the sediment was static, only molecular diffusion on sediment-water interface was considered. When the sediment resuspension occurred, all the conservative pollutants released were from pore water; else when reactive tracer was used solely, pore water played a dominant role at the early stage of pollutant releasing, then the adsorbed tracer was desorbed from re-suspended particles, which controlled successor pollution. The mixing between overlying water and pore water occurred in a short time while the adsorption and desorption of contaminant from re-suspended particles would last relatively long. The different effects of coarse-grained and fine-grained sediment on the pollutant releasing flux were also studied, flux from coarse-grained sediment is smaller than that from fine-grained sediment, but the duration of release from coarse-grained sediment last longer.