In order to solve problem of high power frequeney electric field in resideatial buihtings caused by nearby high vohage transmission corridor, shielding effectiveness of different shiehling methods and their space eonstruetion are studied based on finite element eah'ulation. Tfirough simulation calculation of distorted electrie fieht, the relationship between shielding method and effectiveness is analyzed. A new method to impnve shiehling effect is proposed by optimizing space construction model. The power frequency electric fieht shiehling sehemes for four voltage level high voltage transmission line, ranging fiom 110 kV to 1 000 kV, are designed with consideration of shiehling effect and eonstru(.tion cost. The research shows that shiehling effectiveness could be improved greatly hy reasonable selection of shielding method and optimized mounting position. This is vel7 important for reducing environmental cost of transmission project.