The experiment was conducted to study the expression of gonadotropin releasing hormone(GnRH) in the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis of the pregnant cattle,and to explore its function.The expression of GnRH in the hypothalamus,pituitary and ovary of the pregnant cattle and performed a detailed analysis were examined by immunohistochemical ABC and Image-Pro Plus 6.0.The results showed as following:(1) GnRH immunopositive production were found in the anterior hypothalamic nucleus(AH),medial mammillary nucleus(MMN),ventromedial nucleus(VMN),arcuate nucleus(ARC) and periventricular nucleus(PVN).Sum area(S) and IOD of GnRH immunopositive production in the AH and MMN are larger in the hypothalamic nucleus(SAH SMMN SVMN SARC SPVN and IODAH IODMMN IODVMN IODARC IODPVN;P0.001);(2) GnRH-positive cells are mainly distributed in the anterior pituitary and GnRH-positive nerve fibers were only observed in the neurohypophysis;(3) GnRH immunopositive production was found in the granulosa cells,stroma of ovary(stroma ovarii) and corpus luteum of pregnancy(corpus luteum verum) in the ovary.The results suggested that GnRH-positive neurons in AH and MMN may play a important role in the maintenance of pregnancy in cattle;in the pituitary and ovary,GnRH may have important roles in hormone homeostasis and regulation of pregnancy in cattle by the way of autocrine and paracrine.