针对多Agent联盟数量是Agent个数指数倍的问题,基于Agent合作收益独立性,给出了Agent联盟快速动态生成算法——SCS(search of coalition structure)算法;依Agent联盟之间的同构关系,将Agent联盟结构图剪枝,然后进行Agent联盟结构搜索,可降低搜索空间大小,并证明了是剪枝前搜索量的n/(k-1)^n-k。最后,以机器人足球赛RoboCup为背景给出了实验分析,表明了SCS算法的效率.SCS算法是对Jennings和Sandholm等人相关工作的改进.
To solve the number of coalition structure increase rapidly, algorithm SCS (search of coalition structure), fast dynamic formation of Agent coalition, is given. It can prune the graph of Agent coalition structure, decrease the searching space., and proved that after pruning, the number of coalition structure is n/(k - 1)^n-k of that before pruning. Finally, an experiment is given. This work can be seen as an improvement of Jennings and Sandholm's related work.