回文数猜想是一个著名的数学问题,尤其是自然数196,至今尚未证实是否是Lychrel数。为了在32位计算机上实现检验回文数猜想的196算法,提出在VC++平台下用字符串来实现。给出了算法的具体形式,对程序中每一个步骤予以详细说明。最后实验证实了算法突破了Windows XP的32位字长限制。
The supposition of palindrome number is a famous mathematical problem, and moreover, the natural number 196 has not yet been proved to be a Lychrel number. In order to realize the 196-algorithm, capable of verifying the palindrome number supposition, on the computer of 32 bit word length, a novel program based on string class by the platform of VCd-d- was proposed. The detailed program was discussed and each step of the program was explained. Finally, the experiments demonstrate that our program can break the limit of 32 word length of Windows XP.