Exchange rate is one of hinges in financial internationalization, and purchasing power parity ( PPP ) theory is the basis of exchange rate determination model in monetarism. The empirical data of PPP enigma are that time for mean conversion is long and that PPP theory is untenable in short time. Because exchange rate stationary unit root tests based on standard linear ARMA are oppugned, this article presents nonlinear unit root test KSS based on ESTAR, and uses KSS, ADF and PP tests to test real exchange rate in China. The results of KSS show that the real exchange rate in China accords with PPP. This illuminates that managed float exchange rate system in reference to a basket of currencies is approaching market effectiveness. Furthermore, we should make better use of the role of market supply and demand in the setting of RMB exchange rate, strengthen the float elasticity and keep exchange rate stabilization at a rational equilibrium level.