OBJECTIVE: Based on the published literature of heavy metal toxicity on Caenorhabditis elegans,and after controlling the effects of other factors,we analyzed and compared the toxicity of heavy metals on Caenorhabditis elegans. METHODS:We used Scan It software to extract data from 20 related literature which contained figures expressing different indices of toxicity of various heavy metals on Caenorhabditis elegans,we then built a Meta regression model using toxicity indices as the dependent variables,and different metals,concentration,exposure time,etc. as independent variables. RESULTS:The order of heavy metal on the mortality of Caenorhabditis elegans was:Mercury (Hg)Copper (Cu)Lead (Pb)Chromium (Cr)Aluminum (Al)Cadmiun (Cd)Cobalt (Co)Nickel (Ni)Zinc (Zn);affecting body size was:PbSilver (Ag)HgCoAl CrZnCalcium (Ca)Ni;the effect on general time was:NiAlCoAgCr ZnCuPb; with head thrashes was:HgPbNiAgCuZnCr CoCdAl. CONCLUSION:Meta regression model could be used to integrate information on the toxicity of different heavy metals,and to sort them in order. However,more experimental data on sorting of toxicity is necessary to validate the toxicity of some metals.