2012年10月,在广东省新丰县徐坑小学附近捕捉到1只鼠耳蝠属( Myotis)蝙蝠,其体型中等,前臂长45.61 mm,胫骨长20.28 mm,背毛黑色,腹毛基部黑色,尖部呈棕黄色,翼膜附于趾基,头骨较为粗壮,脑颅扁平,后端稍稍升高.经鉴定为山地鼠耳蝠( Myotis montivagus),为该种蝙蝠在广东省的分布新纪录.标本现保存在广州大学华南生物多样性保护与利用重点实验室.
In October 2012, one bat specimen was collected near Xukeng Primary school, in Xinfeng County, Guangdong Province.Main characteristics of the specimen were as follows: medium size, fore-arm length of 45.61 mm, tibia length of 20.28 mm, dark dorsal pelage, dark ventral fur below but slightly paler above.Wings were attached to the base of the outer phalanx of foot.Skull was robust and relatively flattened, but its rear was slightly elevated.According to these characteristics, it was identified as burmese whiskered myotis ( Myotis montivagus) .This was the first record of this species in Guangdong Province, China.It was preserved in Key Laboratory of Conservation and Application in Biodiversity of South China, School of Life Sciences, Guangzhou University, Guangzhou, China.