UniYwsity-Enterprise collaborati¥e applieation to iwentiTC patent is im portant cW racteristics ajid style of regionalcallabOTative innow tion.This paper studies the evolutionary paths o|structural and spatial chara,icteris1:ics by socialwork analysis tool based on data of University-Enterprise collaborati¥e application to inventive patent in Jiangsu provinceduring the period from19B6to BQ12from the State Intellectual Property Office of tbe People's Republic of China.The resultsshow that the network of patent cooperation has different characteristics in3different phases during the period from1985to2012.The scale,frequency?density and Agglomeration degree has incmased gradually.The deTClopment gap ofSouth sCentafal and N orth region of Jiangsu Province has been narrowed oveK time.Finally,the methods tafe discussed tostim ulate U niversity-Enterprise patent cooperation in Jiangsu province.