针对极低温条件下的人体足部防寒保暖问题,建立了基于经典Pennes生物传热方程的足部传热学模型,得到其一维解析解,并采用Fluent软件对足部的传热学过程进行三维数值模拟,得到常温(291 K)及极低温(233 K)情况、足底有无加热源条件下的4组计算结果。同时设计加热实验对数值模拟结果进行验证,引入红外成像技术及热电偶测温方法对实验过程及结果加以观测和记录,并对实验中所采用的锂电池供电性能进行测试。研究结果可为今后研制相关高性能可加热产品提供参考。
This study intends to focus on the problem of cold resistance and warmth retaining of human foot under extremely low temperature conditions, a theoretical model for characterizing the bioheat transfer in feet was established based on the classical Pennes model. The corresponding one-dimensional analytical solution was obtained. Then the Fluent software was applied to simulate the three-dimensional bioheat transfer process. Results of four groups were got at temperatures 291 K and 233 K with or without heat source, respectively. To validate the theoretical predictions, an insole embedded with heating wire was made. Infrared thermometer and thermocouple data acquisition system were adopted to evaluate the working performance of the heating insole. The powering capability of lithium cell as used in the insole was also tested through subsequent measurement. This study can provide certain theoretical and experimental foundation for developing high performance heating insole in the near future.