Located on the southern margin of Wushan fault in the Mouping-Rushan gold ore belt of eastern Shandong, the Yinggezhuang gold deposit is of the quartz vein gold type. Its wall rock is mainly composed of Archean metamorphic rocks and Kunyushan granite. The authors studied the development of the ore-controlling fault in the gold deposit and the relationship between the geometric shape of Wushan fault and the position of gold ore bodies and, on such a basis, summed up the distribution regularities of the ore bodies in the fault. An investigation of the deep geochemical primary halos reveals that Bi is closely related to Hg in the Yinggezhuang gold deposit, which can serve as the best indicator elements for minieralization. There exists the superposition of the front halo with the rear halo. Using the distribution regularity of the ore bodies in the fault and characteristics of the primary halo, the authors have made metallogenic prognosis for the Yinggezhuang deposit. It is predicted that the second gold concentration sector beneath the known ore body exists at the level of - 220 m, which has very promising economic value.