探讨了组件技术在开发矿山地理信息系统中的优势,并在.NET平台下以C#为开发语言,基于ArcGIS Engine组件实现了地图浏览功能和要素选择功能。实践证明,应用组件进行MGIS开发,效率高、周期短,效果好,组件技术必将对MGIS开发模式产生深远影响,成为GIS开发的首选技术。
This paper component technology, and component by using C# discusses the advantage of developing Mine Geographic Information System with realizes map browsing and feature selecting of a MGIS based on ArcGIS Engine language of .Net platform. The practice proves that developing MGIS with component has higher efficiency, shorter period and better effect. So the component technology must effect the pattern of MGIS development, and it will be the first choice of GIS development.