改革开放以来,尤其是加入WTO 后,中国经济业已形成“两头在外、两头在海”的运行格局.对外贸易运输量巨大,且地区分布相对集中,加之海域的封闭或半封闭性特点,中国海洋运输对马六甲海峡等海上通道的依赖程度远高于其他国家;由于尚未构建起与自身经济实力和现实需要相匹配的海上安全保障体系,中国海外供应链暴露于多种安全威胁之下,使国民经济体系潜伏安全隐患,这些战略性威胁主要来自美、日、印三个国家,其中美国是唯一可动用全球性同盟力量关闭主要海上通道、瘫痪中国运输体系的国家.因此,基于对中国海上通道安全态势的解析和中国所拥有的战略资源的综合考虑,本文提出“以合作化解风险,以威慑保障安全”的总体思路,即以建构中美“新型大国关系”为中心,大力推进与美国、俄罗斯和航线周边国家在战略及各事务性领域的合作,同时沿南海、印度洋方向进行预防性战略部署,提升海上力量的威慑能力,从根本上保障中国海上通道安全.
Since reform and opening up, especially after joining the WTO, Chi-na has built its rocketing economy largely dependent on external resources and markets, most of which are transported by sea. Huge volume of freight, geo-graphical concentration of destinations, added with closure or semi-closure of territorial waters, make China’s economy highly rely on some strategic seaway passages, like the Malacca Strait, the Ormuz Strait, and so on. As China has not established a maritime security system matchable to its economy power and need, its external supply chain is exposed to all possible risks in these pas-sages. And these risks are mainly from three countries-the United States, Japan, and India. The US is even able to mobilize its global alliances to close these passages, and thus paralyzing China’s maritime transportation, which would be fatal to Chinese economy and even stability. Therefore, China should try to reinforce cooperation with the United States, Russia and other nations to reduce risks, and at the same time, to increase maritime military forces along the South China Sea and the Indian Ocean, keep non-specific de-terrence, so that the passages of China’s sea freight can be secured.