Oil paints are used on many light industrial products. The concentration of heavy metals in paints is one of critical standards for quality control of the products and their safeties for use. To develop a rapid and quantitative analysis technique for detection of heavy metals in light industrial products is very important for economy development and ensuring their safeties for use. A rapid, both qualitative and quantitative analysis method of toxic heavy metals in paints with laser-induced breakdown spectros- copy (LIBS) was developed. By observing atomic emission intensities from paints samples, the concentrations of heavy metals can be qualitatively estimated. A quantitative analysis can be realized by using external standard method, while the calibration curves are determined using a few reference samples in which the concentrations of heavy metals are known and are measured under the same experimental conditions. The limits of detection of Pb, Cr and Cd were determined to be 9, 3.5 and 23ppm, respectively. Relative measure error is less than 10% and the time required for single measurement is 2 minutes. The results of mercury are not good at the moment. Its detection sensitivity is relatively poor due to its short lifetime of the upper state corresponding to the analysis line. It is planed to enhance the detection sensitivity of mercury in our laboratory by using pulsed discharge to extend the decay time of mercury atomic emission.