研究多周期联合促销与库存控制问题,其中需求同时依赖促销和一个随机变量.在每一周期,决策者同时决定促销水平和订货量.利用Markov决策为该问题建模.对有限和无限周期问题,证明了最优策略是Base stock target promotion策略.对产能有限问题,最优策略是修正的Base stock target promotion策略.这说明当初始库存较低且产能较小时,减少促销水平;当初始库存水平较高时,不订货,增加促销力度.产能充足时,要增加促销水平,增加需求,提高利润.
Firms often use promotion such as advertisement,reducing price to increase demand and make a proper inventory plan to satisfy these demands simultaneously.These two policies must support each other to get maximal profit.This paper addresses joint decision on promotion and inventory management problem in which promotion level and ordering quantity are determined simultaneously at the beginning of periods.The order is delivered immediately and then the demand is realized and satisfied by the available invento...