This paper examines the causal effect o{ firms' credit constraints on employees' income, based on a sample of 12 400 Chinese manufacturing firms collected by the World Bank's Enterprise Survey. The main estimation results show that firms with higher de- gree of credit constraint tend to offer lower wages. Even within those not obtaining bank loans, such negative effect remains significant. The robustness tests show that the negative effect of credit constraints on income still holds true even if we consider different measure of credit constraints, the specification of estimation models, as well as the endogeneity problem of credit constraints. Further analysis indicates that. the negative effect directly originates from the impact of credit constrains on labor productivity, and it is more significant for firms with higher proportion of informal employment. Because these firms would significantly re- duce their demand for labor if they were credit constrained, and this would cause a further diminution in vcages. The main findings indicate that financial reform helps to improve tabor income in China by alleviating firms' financial constraint.