研制了一种用于全血血红蛋白快速检测的台式检测仪YT2005-1.该检测仪根据电化学电流法测量原理,以酶电极为检测探头,进行了微弱信号的放大、采集以及处理,最终实现了对血红蛋白的全过程自动快速测试.实验证明,电流测量最高精度可达1 nA,相对于血红蛋白的μA级信号来说,检测仪完全满足测量要求.与酶电极生物传感器配套使用时,在60秒时全血检测的结果与大型仪器ADVIA120检测值的相关性可达到0.9828,准确性达到91.38%.同时检测仪能够兼容两电极和三电极两种测量系统,而且同样适用于血糖、血乳酸等生化指标的检测.采用菜单操作,操作简单,因此可以方便地应用于运动员机能评定和临床急诊诊断.
YT2005-1, an instrument which could detect hemoglobin rapidly was developed. Combined with the enzyme biosensor, the functions of magnifying, sampling and processing the feeble signals(nA level) were carried out based on the ampemmetric theory. As it could detect current as little as 1 nA in the experiment, the instrument can cut the mustard completely comparing to the signal of hemoglobin (μA level). And integrated the enzyme biosensor, it obtained the results of the determination of HB at 60 seconds and the linear correlation coefficient of R = 0.9828 (n = 8) within the range from 7 g/dl to 15 g/dl. Further more the veracity was 91.38% comparable to the licensed ADVIA120. According to the menu, it could be operated simply in the two-electrode system as well ds in the three-electrode system and could be applied to the detection of the blood sugar and lactic acid. It is convenient to use the detector as a point-of-care test to aid in the diagnosis of emergency medicine and evaluating physiological parameters of athletes.