引言 北京天安门前有一对华表,华表的柱身上雕刻着盘龙,柱头上立着瑞兽,它们和天安门前的石狮以及两侧的金水桥一起烘托着这座皇城的威严气势。古朴精美的华表,与巍巍壮丽、金碧辉煌的故宫建筑群浑然一体,使人既感到一种艺术上的和谐,又感到历史的庄重和威严。华表实际上已经与中华民族、中国古老的文化紧密相连,从某种程度上也可以说是国家和民族的一种标志,
Based on the investigation of more than hundred concerts in recent years, a comprehensive review on the acoustics of the three concert halls in central Beijing is given. The acoustic characteristics of each hall are discussed and the acoustic defects of each hall are also pointed out. The issue of how to build a hall for the national music is raised.