Vegetation index time series datasets plays a vital role in vegetation monitoring by remote sensing. How- ever, it is necessary to reconstruct the time series data for the impacts of anomalous values before using them. Veg- etation index of cropland is a useful tool for monitoring crop growth and estimating the yield, also for research of ag- ro- ecosystem's responses to climate change. This study compared three frequently -used reconstructing methods which include Asymmetric Guassian function fitting (AG), Double Logistic function fitting (DL) and Savitzky- Golay filtering (SG) in northeast China croplands with MODIS data. The influence of data quality, fidelity perform- ances to original data and spatial patterns of cropland phenology based on different reconstructing methods were ana- lyzed. First, the NDVI and quality control datasets were considered to discuss the impacts of data quality ; Second, several random sampling points were picked to evaluate the reconstruct results both qualitatively and quantitatively; Finally, different methods were compared indirectly with the help of cropland phenology of the study area. The re- suits showed that using quality assessment data as auxiliary was recommended when reconstructing cropland vegeta- tion index in northeast China by these methods. The performances of AG and DL were similar and both of them were better than SG.