为了明确物种组成、丰富度、播种密度和土壤养分对群落补偿效应的影响,以及群落补偿效应随时间的变化趋势,本文以青藏高原高寒草地常见物种垂穗披碱草(Elymus nutans)、中华羊茅(Festuca sinensis)和羊茅(F.ovina)为材料,通过建植不同物种组合的单、混播草地,连续5年对不同群落的生产力进行了测定,结果表明:物种组成显著影响群落的补偿效应;在施肥情况下,物种丰富群落有较高的补偿效应;实验初期,随着播种密度的增加,群落补偿效应有降低趋势,但随着生长年限的增加,密度对补偿效应的影响变得不显著;施肥显著提高了群落的补偿效应;随着生长年限的延长,群落补偿效应有升高趋势。
Taking the common perennial grass species Elymus nutans, Festuca sinensis, and Festuca ovina widely distributed over the alpine grassland of Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau as test materials, and through establishing differem mono-and mixed cultured species combinations, a five-year continuous measurement of the plant community productivity was conducted, aimed to understand the effects of species composition, richness, sowing density, and soil nutrients on the complementary effect of plant communities, and how the complementary effect changed with time. The results indicated that species composition had significant effects on the complementary effect of plant communities. When the soil nutrients were richer, the plant communities with higher species richness had higher complementary effect. With increasing sowing density, the complementary effect had a decreasing trend at the initial stage, but did not vary significantly in subsequent years. Fertilization increased the complementary effect significantly, and this effect tended to be increased with the increasing years of plant growth.