A brief review of the efforts made in the past more than ten years to understand the growth and configurations of the self-assembled quantum dots (QDs) in molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) is given. In particular, the theoretical study on the nucleation and configuration of QDs from the point of view of thermodynamics, the Monte Carlo Kinetics simulations of the QD growth process, the experimental observations on the growth processes of QDs in both Ge/Si (001) and InAs/GaAs (001) systems are concisely presented. Due to the remarkable complexity in InAs/GaAs (001) system, the characteristics and behaviors of InAs QDs are tentatively classified into "microscopic" and "macroscopic". The first class includes the atomic-scale QD structural properties, the exact crystallographic orientation of the facets in a quantum dot, and etc. These microscopic properties may be of random to some extent, more sensitive to thermal fluctuations, and represent the complexity in InAs QD. The second class refers to the QD areal density, the QD shape measurable on the nanometer-scale, and etc. These so-called macroscopic properties should be representative of the collective behaviors of a huge amount of particles, and universal in the sense of statistics to some extent. Therefore, from the view of the authors, paying more attention to the macroscopic properties of InAs QDs may be a more efficient way for investigation. The experimental observations on the evolution of InAs QDs under the ordinary growth conditions (As-rich, 500℃, 0.1 ML/s) performed most recently in the laboratory of Semicon- ductor Institute were described, according to which the nucleation and growth of InAs QDs should be continuous without any discontinuous phase transition as usually referred to in literature. According to the authors, the nucleation of InAs QDs may starts as a continuous (second order) transition from a critical state.