控制区域内大规模可再生能源的并入将使得潮流波动和走向变化加剧,给区域电压无功控制带来诸多挑战。主导节点作为二级电压的首要目标,其选择需要考虑可再生能源接入的影响。文中以风电接入为例,统计风电场不同时段的注入功率概率分布特性,与系统的峰、腰、谷负荷运行方式叠加形成具有不同概率的各种系统随机运行状态,选取的主导节点能够满足系统在受到随机扰动后,通过控制消除所选主导节点的电压偏差,使得全网其余负荷节点在各种随机运行状态下的电压偏移期望最小。IEEE 3机9节点和New England 39节点系统仿真结果验证了该方法的可行性和有效性。
There are many challenges in the voltage and reactive power control because of power flow fluctuation aggravation caused by large-scale renewable energy resources in the control zone.As a primary control obj ective,the pilot node selection should consider the impact of renewable energy integration.Considering wind farm as intermittence source,the system stochastic operation states could be constructed by combining statistic probability distribution of wind farm output power during peak,middle and valley load period.Following any stochastic disturbance,the pilot node selection should meet the requirement that voltage deviation expectation of all load nodes can be minimized by eliminating voltage deviation of selected pilot node.The feasibility and effectiveness of the method proposed are verified by IEEE 9-bus and New England 3 9-bus test system case study.